When The VR Center Enters The Cote d’Ivoire

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They launch the company in Abidjan city in March 2020. They are distinct from other VR centers in that they have a restaurant, PlayStation room, 5D movie theater, and children ‘s play area in addition to VR simulators. This type of business operating model embraces more consumer groups and offers options for various needs.

vr game

VR Slider: A different experience from dynamic seat VR, you can play games like roller coasters, travel, and Large Pendulum. You will experience a powerful real- world and unique virtual reality experience when you stand on it with the floor vibrating.

vr crnter

Do you ever think about hosting a VR center birthday party? Many kids had celebrated their happy birthdays in the Sika E- Game Center, where they assist in planning the party. Furthermore, for company team building, it ‘s also a good choice .